Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Color Me Vegan Soup Review

Wow, my computer has been "broke" for the last 2 months, and I haven't had the money to fix it. I am way behind on blogging some of the fun things I have been up to. Here is a post that I was literally in the middle of when my computer started having issues.

I recently checked out a copy of Color Me Vegan at my local library. I tried out a couple of recipes tonight, both of them soups, and I can tell you right now that I will definitely be buying this book in the near future. AMAZING! I am all about emphasizing simple vegan dishes based on whole foods, and this book accomplishes this flawlessly while following a whimsical color-sorted scheme. It was fun to read.

The first recipe that caught my eye was for edamame...soup? I am a fan of edamame, but never had I ever imagined putting it in soup! I just had to try this, and lo-and-behold I happened to have all of the ingredients already. It pays to have a well-stocked vegan kitchen!

This recipe was extremely easy and also very cheap to make. Thanks to Trader Joe's, Hy-Vee, and potatoes from my grandpa's garden! I do not normally buy vegetable stock, since it is way cheaper to use boullion, but Hy-Vee was having a pretty good sale so I stocked up. It's kind of a luxury item for me.

I am not going to give away the recipe since it is from a cookbook that I did not write, but basically everything gets boiled in a pot with some simple seasonings. Then it meets its fate in the Vita-Mix.

To serve, the recipe suggests drizzling with toasted sesame oil. Normally I would avoid adding even the tiniest iota of unnecessary fat to any recipe, but sesame oil has an incredible flavor and really perked up this soup. It may sound gross, but eating this soup really reminded me of sushi. Here it is served up with some gluten-free crackers. Yes, I really need to figure out this food photography thing. And get some prettier dishes.

The next soup I made was the Roasted Red Pepper and Carrot Soup. I made it on the same night too. I guess I was just super excited to try out new recipes and felt that it was also a good time to stock my freezer with frozen meals for future use. Once again, my winning kitchen supplied everything I needed for this soup.

I am stoked that Hy-Vee has it's own brand of organic unsweetened soy milk now! I don't like to drink soy milk of any kind because it tastes like ass (I prefer almond milk), but it is great to cook with IF you can find it unsweetened. Trader Joe's has it too, but Hy-Vee is a lot closer to my job and house. Also, I do NOT buy roasted red peppers anywhere but Dollar Tree. Why? Because they are $1! Go find them anywhere else and gasp at the price. Total rip-off.

So this soup recipe has pretty much the same technique. Toss everything in a pot (except the soy milk) and boil.

Then toss it all in the Vita-Mix and add a splash of soy milk. I served it with some extra thyme and gluten free crackers. Yum! This soup had a totally unique flavor. It didn't really taste like any of its components. Odd, but delicious. I will definitely be making both of these soups again!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

No Thanks

This is my third holiday season as a vegan and I can't wait for it be over. I can't stand the holidays anyway, but attending family dinners and such makes them even more annoying. Last Thanksgiving, I ate Chinese food in Iceland. The one before that, I was at a friends and I was left hungry. I'm not saying that everybody should modify their eating habits to include vegans in their annual feasts, but I just get sick of sitting around watching everybody stuff their face while I nibble on bread. Also, there's a reason people only eat turkey on the holidays: because they think they have to. Nobody really likes it or knows how to cook it. Why bother killing something that you don't even enjoy?

This Thanksgiving I was actually home sick. I ate two bananas and an avocado all day. I did end up cooking a meal at my parents house on Saturday though. I found a recipe for a "Cajun cornbread casserole" that I modified because I rarely follow recipes. I also hate celery, so I left that out. Celery is pretty much the only vegan food I won't eat. A gallon of peanut butter would not make it more appetizing to me.

Anyway, here is a nasty messy picture of my casserole's sloppy goodness:

To make this, I soaked a cup each of dried kidney beans and chickpeas overnight, and then boiled them the next day. I then sauteed two red bell peppers, a large yellow onion, and a buttload of garlic. I added the juice from a can of diced tomatoes and a couple of heaping spoonfuls of Cajun seasoning and let that cook and thicken up. I chopped the canned tomatoes up before adding them, and then I stirred in the beans. For the cornbread topping, I mixed 2 cups of corn meal, a tablespoon of baking powder, 1.5 cups of soy milk, and half a cup of applesauce.

This meal was around 80% organic and cost me $4 to make a huge pan of it. That includes $2 spent on bell peppers. This once again proves that you can eat healthy, well-rounded organic vegan meals very cheaply. There was at least 8 hearty servings in this dish also. I will definitely be making it again, especially if I see bell peppers on sale.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Simply Vegan

I have been extremely busy lately! Mostly just being awesome, but I have been traveling and visiting with family and such. And being broke. There is one good thing about being a broke vegan though: it forces you to be creative with simple, inexpensive ingredients. Whoever started that inconvenient little rumor about eating vegan/healthy being expensive is full of crap. It's not more expensive. It's probably cheaper. For one thing, I save money by buying a lot of ingredients in bulk. I also have no health problems and haven't been to the doctor in years.

For a light dinner, I have been enjoying delicious homemade protein shakes that are easy to make and packed with nutrition. I have been lazy with my camera so some of these were taken with my phone.

Exhibit A:

Coconut milk banana peanut butter maple syrup hemp protein smoothie.

Exhibit B:

Almond milk banana chocolate cherry pea protein smoothie (with bonus metal horns!!)

I have also been sprouting some new things...

Like this crazy jar full of broccoli sprouts. These things were super slow. They spent almost a whole week doing nothing. Then one evening I went out to the bars with some friends and crashed in town for the night and the next morning BAM! Sprout city! Trying to get these out of the jar was like pulling apart a cotton ball. Moral of the story...when the vegan is away, the sprouts will play. I later saw a tiny pack of broccoli sprouts in the grocery store for $2.79! I was probably sitting on $15-20 worth of sprouts that cost me about $.50 and some patience to produce.

Another accomplishment I made was feeding a carnivorous male an entirely vegan meal, and having him not only enjoy it, but get full! Blasphemy! I promised that I would not reveal his name though. It was a pretty sexy plate of food, packed full of protein and delicious veggies.

Clockwise from the top left corner: Forbidden black rice salad, lentil salad (my own recipe that I will post later), cucumbers and carrot sticks, chipotle humus, and some gluten-free crackers in the middle. What's not to love??

I also made an unusual and delicious find at Sam's Club: kiwi berries.

They didn't really come with a detailed description.

They were about the size of a grape, but inside...

...they were delicious little kiwis! They were sweeter than regular kiwis, and were super munchable because you could eat the peeling. If you can find these anywhere, I definitely recommend giving them a try. Warning: they are addictive!

I have been making flax crackers lately also, and I am planning on experimenting with some more flavors. I will also be adding some product reviews in the near future.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Life Update: Epic October

I am seriously in the prime of my life right now. I've worked my butt off for it, but I feel just absolutely refreshed when I sit back and look at how things are going for me and knowing that it is all because I made it happen. This past month has just absolutely blown my mind with awesomeness.

Earlier this month, I was privileged to be part of my best friend's wedding. It was a new experience for me, since I had only attended one wedding in my life when I was like 10 years old. This one I was actually a "groomsmaid" for lack of a better term. I found out that weddings are pretty emotional, even if they are not yours. I'll admit, I cried a little when I saw my BFF's beautiful bride turn and walk down the aisle. I don't think I could do it though! Maybe some day, many many years from now. I am absolutely 100% satisfied with being single for a while though. I am just having way too much fun! ;)

The weekend following the wedding was also one of the funnest weekends of my life. I met up with an ex-coworker in the cities to see one of my favorite bands, Revocation! I saw them in St. Louis earlier this year and actually got to hang out with them at the bar for a while. They were some of the chillest dudes ever! A couple of them even added me as a person friend on Facebook. Shortly after walking into the venue in Minneapolis, the drummer actually came up to me, gave me a high five, and said that it was great to see me again! I honestly felt like the coolest person in the world at that moment. My friend was pretty amazed too. I even got a picture with them after they played:

These guys are all around my age, and they are super talented! Not a lot of newer metal bands can pull off their level of music. The friend I went with had never been to a metal show (he's a country boy) and he was blown away by how awesome they are! Every time I go to a show it really makes me miss being in a band. I am trying to get something going around here, but has been a struggle.

After the show we went back to the town my friend was staying in and ended up closing out a dive bar near the hotel. I have gotten where I really like dancing to stupid music, no matter how many other people are dancing/not dancing, or watching in horror. At least I am having fun!

The following Friday, I met up a first cousin that I hadn't seen in about 8 years and went to Haunt Night at Valley Fair. It was fun to roam an amusement park in the dark, but the lines to all of the haunted houses and mazes were super long. There was so much fake fog drifting around that it was nearly impossible to see anything, and when you had wind blowing in your face on a ride it was super cold! I still had a great time with great company. I am always willing to get out of the house and try something new. I also went to an open house for a studio that weekend that is co-owned by a guy that works at my local food co-op. I must say, I was impressed. By the studio and the guy! Vegetarian, metalhead, owns a studio...hmmm! ;)

The thing I did the most last month was work on my Halloween costume. A LOT. I spent countless hours, sewing, painting, cutting, and hot gluing my way to this:

Yep, that is my *vegan* version of Lady Gaga's meat dress! No animals were harmed in the making, just a lot of fleece, acrylic paint, and glue sticks. I went with some friends to a big Halloween bash at a local venue on Saturday night. It was fun, but kind of underwhelming. I honestly had more fun the previous night at another bar, not dressed up. It's always a good time when the bar owner and DJ are buying you shots!

Now that October is just another notch in the bedpost, I am honestly not quite sure what I am going to do with myself the rest of this year! I plan on hitting the gym hard again, because I had been slacking with spending so much time on my costume every night. Also, partying and being awesome can take a physical toll. My next few updates will definitely be all about food and fun little projects I have going on around my kitchen. I have been sprouting a lot and I even busted out my dehydrator!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Working It Out

I have been trying to get on a fitness kick lately. It has been stopping and starting a lot due to being out of town, important life events, BS excuses on my end, etc. Well no longer. After being in a wedding earlier this month, I have absolutely nothing serious planned for the rest of the year. That may sound a little disappointing to some people, but for me I think it is going to be a relief. No more moving across the country or flying for business or pleasure. I am going to stay right where I am! Ok, maybe within a 100 mile radius.

So that cancels out most of the reasons I can't go to the gym every day. I'll have to work on the whiny excuses I give myself part. I have been doing a lot of research on fitness plans and diets and I have been fighting my body the entire way. Today I actually feel pretty normal for the most part. I swear I'm pretty sure I have a sneaky food allergy that I am hot on the trail of, and today I happened to not eat it. Trying to figure out what is causing it is like a murder mystery...only with more bloating.

I have a pretty set-in-stone routine when it comes to when and what I eat every day, but I am working on altering it to better provide the nourishment I need since I am doing an hour of cardio plus half an hour of weight training 4-6 times a week. First of all, I HAVE TO have some sort of bar in the morning. I am mentally dependent on this. Like straight-up addicted and obsessed. I have a drawer in my kitchen that is occupied by about 30-50 bars at a time. Mostly Luna bars.

I wasn't joking.

Right now I actually have a pretty good variety of Luna bars, Clif Mojo bars, Clif Builder bars, regular Clif bars, Iron Girl bars, Pure Bars, Larabars...and who knows what else is in there. I am actually trying to make myself stop buying more until I eat all of the ones I already have. One of these bars falls victim to my breakfast every morning. Usually on my way to work.

I have also been eating a lot more food for dinner. Usually I become less and less interested in food as the day goes on. Lately, I have been eating dinners like this:

Talk about a nutritious post-workout meal! Chickpea salad with cucumber slices, raw almond with dried cherries and cranberries, baked brown rice mochi, and a big pile o' mashed sweet potatoes. I think I rounded this out pretty well. Lots of protein and complex carbs!

Anyway, I have been taking some pictures of myself to every few weeks to track my fitness progress. I'm still a humongous wuss, but I am damned determined to put on some muscle! SOYCAKE!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Raw Week Wrap-Up

I was so good this week! This was my by far my most successful attempt at adopting a raw diet. I've always thought that raw vegans are crazy. I used to think that all vegans were crazy, but I honestly don't think I could ever do the raw thing 100% of the time. It's not about money or prep time, I just really like warm and cooked food. But who knows. I have been working on giving up gluten, and it is going very well. I'll admit that it was complete and total hell when I first started, and I am still working on it. I started weaning myself early this summer. My goal is to be 100% gluten-free by 2012. It seems like a very long-term goal, but it's very realistic in this case. Wheat is in EVERYTHING.

My main dependency on cooked foods is due to my protein needs. I think most raw/sprouted beans taste like crap. I have been hooked on my home sprouted mung beans lately, but raw chickpeas, lentils, and fava beans really gross me out for some reason. There is just some flavor there that does not agree with me until it is cooked away. I have the same aversion to falafel also. I do prefer raw nuts to roasted ones, but I would not want to have to rely on them for my only protein source. Plus, soy beans and tofu are awesome.

Yes this is my shoulder...edamame FTW!

Even though I was mostly raw this week, I ate a lot of steamed edamame for protein. Everything else was pretty much raw, thanks to a huge shopping trip to Sam's Club.

I can report that after 6 days the mushrooms, strawberries, spinach, grapes, broccoli, and carrot juice are all gone. The carrot juice is not raw, of course. I just used it to get my smoothies moving because almost every day I had a super tasty fruit smoothie made with 1 cup each of green grapes, fresh strawberries, carrot juice, packed baby spinach leaves...and a chunk of fresh ginger. If you have never added spinach to your smoothies, what are you waiting for?? I promise you that you will not be able to taste it. The only negative effect is that it turns things a lovely shade of ick.

I have stupid tattoos and I drink ugly smoothies out of 600 ml lab beakers. Jealous?

I promise you this tasted much better than it looked. Other food highlights included raw broccoli salads with tahini based dressings, and spinach salads loaded with raw goodies. I made 2 different kinds of tahini broccoli salads: one with carrots, pumpkin seeds, dried zante currants, ginger, and cumin. The other one had carrots, ginger, garlic, green onions, sesame seeds, and chili garlic sauce.

Yum! I also experimented with eating raw portobello mushrooms for the first time. I sliced them super thin and then marinated the strips in some oil, Braggs, cumin, and garlic. It didn't take long for them so soak up the marinade, which I also used as a salad dressing. I layered the marinated mushrooms over a HUGE bowl of baby spinach, and then piled on tons of red onions, pumpkin seeds, currants, and sprouted mung beans. It was hard to get a picture of everything since it was all stacked in a big mixing bowl.

So nothing I ate was quite 100% raw, but I felt good that I didn't really crave any warm cooked foods. My only complaint is that after about 4 days I was super bloated and miserable. I thought at first that it was because I had a massive smoothie for dinner. It was a satisfying dinner but it left me miserable soon after I drank it. I think I was probably suffering from a fiber overload. I did not eat any grains all week, and I think this might have been the problem. On Friday my mom came to visit and I ate some rice noodles, and honestly the next day I felt amazing the next day. Maybe it was just in my head, or maybe it's proof that a raw diet is just not for me. I suppose you could get used to it after a while, and the bloating would probably go away. I have to be in a wedding next weekend so bloating isn't something I'm going for this week! I've also put myself on a pretty intense fitness plan, so I need some carbs. More on that later!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Oktoberfest and Detox Diet

About 2 months ago, I made the best decision of my life and quit my horrible job. I used to boast that going vegan was the best decision I have ever made. It was, until I decided to stop killing myself and drop all negativity from my life, my old job being the largest contributing source of it. I have never been viewed or viewed myself as an optimist, but DAMN my life kicks so much ass right now, and it's all my fault! I'm not even afraid of jynxing myself by saying that. Nothing can be as bad as the hell I went through my first 2 years post-college.

That all being said, I will step down off my soap-box and carry on. I was pretty busy last week. Doing exactly what, I don't really recall. I guess I spent a lot of time at the gym and running around town on various errands. I probably spent the most time waiting for the weekend so I could attend Oktoberfest in La Crosse, WI.

Yep, my first once since I've been of legal drinking age. Not that I drank a lot or anything. I went with a co-worker and got a ride from some family friends who own a bar in my home town. They were friends with some people who own a bar in downtown La Crosse, so we were kinda VIP and stuff when we went back to the bar after the parade.

Totally not German but whatevs.

The parade was pretty awesome, and it did last 3+ hours as I was promised. Seriously. It took an hour before it even got downtown. We got lucky and found a spot on the curb to sit and watch a sip some beer. After things wrapped up, we went back to our bar and mingled for a bit before our ride departed. So really we weren't even drinking a lot and didn't stay out really late.

Next year we want to plan ahead and get a hotel way in advance. The bar scene in La Crosse was definitely way better than where I am living in Minnesota.
Several people told me that I look like Mila Kunis, which is new to me. I'm not offended, because I think she is gorgeous, but I really don't see it.

The next big event in my life involves watching my best friend take the next step in his. Yep, he's getting married. I will be traveling in Iowa in 2 weeks to don a fluffy dress and stand beside him this decision. Judging by the hordes of Facebook photos my friends have been tagged in recently, it is definitely Hitchin' Season. Those of my acquaintances whom have subjected themselves to previous seasons are now starting to generate little humans with their faces on them.

I won't go into detail about I am pretending not to care about all of this. What I am caring out right now is having to look good in pictures in 2 weeks! I haven't exactly been eating the best over the past couple of months, due to the whole moving process, work-week lunch outings, and having a ton of amazing food easily accessible in my new town, including a vegan restaurant right by my job. Excuses aside, I am going on a super-detox mission!

I am not concerned about weight loss as much as I am about feeling pure and cleaning myself of past mistakes. I have been really really good about drinking less alcohol, working out more, and eating drastically less wheat. The only real problem I have had lately is poor skin. This irritates the hell out of me because I get tons of vitamins from my diet and supplements. I make sure I eat enough protein, and I have really been making myself eat lots of almonds for the vitamin E.

To detox my skin and the rest of my body, I am going to go on a high-raw diet with emphasis on smoothies. I recently found this page and I really want to try some of these. I am going to go buy a boatload of fresh fruit and veggies after work tomorrow so I can get my Vita-Mix out and get started! I will post some updates about how I am doing.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Meatless Tuesday

I am a strong support of the "Meatless Monday" initiative. I don't expect the entire country to just up and go vegan overnight, but people should make the effort to include less meat in their diet as it is. One day a week will not kill anybody, I promise.

So why am I, already a vegan, writing about Meatless Monday, on a Tuesday of all days? Well my avocado extravaganza kind of upset my meal plans for the week, but in a good way. They need to make some magical meter to wave over those things to tell you exactly what day they will be ripe. I am doing the meatless post theme to support some of my friends in their quest for veggie enlightenment and to show that even stubborn omnivores can still eat their favorite foods without eating animal products. These posts will also give me a chance to try and review some new products. And who doesn't like that?

One thing I always hear people say when they learn that I am vegan is "I could never give up cheese!" Trust me, I used to think the same thing. I was probably a bigger cheese freak than a lot of people, and I can not honestly say that I do not miss it. The same with meat. I just really don't care or think about it anymore. I am also not a huge fan of fake meats, and a lot of them are gluten-based. I used to pick up some Boca chicken nuggets from time to time as a guilty pleasure, until I discovered Gardein.

Gardein is a vegetable-based protein that is used to make some pretty convincing vegan meat substitutes. Convincing to the point of being creepy. The first product of theirs I ever tried were the chicken tenders. They were delicious, but did weird me out in their accuracy. You can find Gardein products in the freezer section of your local health food store, but I recently picked some up at Super Target and I am starting to see more of these products at regular chain grocery stores also.

This week's mock meat installment features Gardein's "Mandarin Orange Crispy Chick'n"
Vegan orange chicken?? What's not to love? Instructions are simple: dump frozen pieces into skillet with some oil, saute until crisp (they are lightly breaded), thaw sauce packet, toss, and enjoy. Hmmm. Can't say I was a fan. Yes, it did have a similar texture to chicken. Yes, it did make my house smell like Panda Express...but something just wasn't "there".

I think that deep down inside I was really wanting it to be like the horrible calorie-bomb orange chicken
you get at your local hole-in-the-wall Chinese grease trap. The kind with the thick deep-fried breading and cloyingly sweet sauce. Once I put that image out of my head and told myself that this was a much healthier alternative, it still didn't do anything for me. The sauce was extremely boring. I had to add some sesame seeds and chili garlic sauce (oh darn!) to get it to actually taste like anything. To make it a meal, I tossed in some steamed broccoli and carrots and threw it all over some brown rice. Here is a picture of what the skillet ended up looking like:

It looks tasty, and it was after I doctored it up. I just feel like if I spend the money on a convenience product, it should deliver. Eating vegan does not have to be expensive, but companies can really get you on prepared foods, especially if they say "vegan" anywhere on the packaging.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Avocado Four Ways

Due to recent avocado inflation, I was forced to buy one of those weird Florida avocados. You know, those really big ones with the smooth lighter green skin? They are being marketed as "Slimcados" now because I guess they have less fat and calories. Who cares, it's plant fat. Anywho, Hass avocados were $2.28 a piece at Hy-Vee, but the giant weirdocados were $2.99 each and easily twice as big.

I lived in Florida for 7 months last year and let me tell you, the avocados were fabulous! I ate one plain at least 3 times a week. After I moved back up north (everything is north of Florida), I tried eating one plain and it quickly killed my habit. GROSS. Sadly I now eat very few avocados, but every once in a while I jones for one. Like this week.

Florida avocados have a lighter flesh and solid but very creamy texture to them. I don't really know how else to describe it. I ended up supplementing four meals* with mine, due to its size. And it wasn't even the biggest one I've seen. Some of these suckers have pits so big that I am sure a well-aimed blow to the temple could ruin somebody's day (aka kill them). Giant pit aside, there is still plenty of tasty flesh to be enjoyed.

Meal #1: Fajita-Style Dinner Plate

The first dinner I enjoyed was a result of leftover items from making fajita salads last week. Fajita salads are something I created to use up some random leftover veggies. Here is a picture of one that is actually a salad:

And here is a picture of almost the same thing, but with brown rice instead of lettuce, and the addition of avocado:

The delicious toppings over the brown rice include:
- Sauteed fajita-style button mushrooms with onions and fresh garlic
- Diced tomatoes roasted with cumin
- Sweet corn (frozen) roasted with chili powder
- Diced avocado (duh)
- Vegan sour cream
- Chili garlic sauce (condiment of the gods...more on this later)

Sometimes I add black beans to this. Sometimes I only have one can left and want to horde it for later. This was one of the latter times. Plus, avocados are packed with protein as it is. When this is all stirred together and less pretty, the sour cream, chili garlic sauce, and juicy tomatoes make a tasty sauce that coats everything. Nom.

Meal #2: Sushi Rolls for Lunch

Here is my cute little lunch container, consisting of avocado rolls and kimchi:

I may not roll the prettiest nori rolls, but they still taste delicious. Kimchi is also one of the greatest side dishes/condiments in the world. If you have never had it, it is basically a spicy Korean version of sauerkraut. It is usually not vegan though, as it traditionally contains ingredients such as fish or shrimp paste. Totally gross and non-vegan. You can find vegan kimchi every now and then if you make the effort to look for it, and it's totally worth it.

Meal #3: Deconstructed Sushi Roll Cobb Salad

Ok, so I got the idea for this from a cookbook. If you haven't picked it up yet, the newest vegan bible from Isa Chandra Moskowitz is called Appetite for Reduction. I bought this for my mom and it is fabulous. We made her sushi roll salad for dinner one night, and as with any of Isa's recipes, it did not disappoint. I unfortunately do not personally own a copy of this book (yet), so I kind of winged it. Results: still insanely delicious.

How's that for food porn?? This plate includes:

- Brown rice with sesame seeds, seasoned with a little rice vinegar and tamari
- Sliced cucumbers and carrots
- Shelled edamame (soy beans)
- Slivered nori, green onions, and pickled sushi ginger for garnish
- And avocado, I guess...

Yeah, I ate this whole plate and did not feel guilty about it! And I didn't feel overly stuffed or gross afterwards. It was SO GOOD. Tasted just like a huge California roll (sans nasty fake crab) exploded in my mouth. Next time I will make enough to roll around in as I eat it! (I wish)

Meal #4: Spring Rolls

So I haven't actually eaten this yet, but I just made it for my lunch tomorrow. Have you even seen those pretty veggie rolls at the sushi counter? The ones with the veggies all nicely rolled up alongside a pack of sweet chili sauce? Did you know that you can make those at home super cheap? Now you do! First, you will need to find some rice paper skins in the Asian section of you grocery store, your local Asian market, Chinatown, etc.

"Good For Restaurant"

These are cheap and store indefinitely. Now find some veggies to roll in them. Here is my selection:

Cucumbers, carrots, avocado, and yes, crappy garden salad mix. I had part of a bag left that needed used. It's not my fault it was on sale for $1 a bag. To make the rolls, you just need to soak a sheet of the rice paper in water for about 30 seconds. I do this on a place, flipping over about halfway through. Then you place the veggies in the middle like so...

...and roll it up, burrito-style. No, I DO NOT have a picture of this process, or of the end result. Frankly, I suck horribly at making these things. They still taste great dipped in sweet chili sauce, soy sauce, or whatever. Mine just turn out loose, lumpy, and other unappealing adjectives. And somehow my first one always turns out way better than its followers. It makes no sense and it frustrates me. Aren't you supposed to get better at something the more you do it??

If you actually read all of this, you can see how flexible avocados can be. I know this post was heavy on the Asian-style cuisine, but that's how I usually do things. Last week was Mexican week, as seen with the leftover fajita ingredients. This week is apparently Asian week. I have a stir-fry meal planned for tomorrow too, as a sort of late "meatless Monday" deal. You'll just have to wait and see!

*You can actually store a cut avocado in the fridge and not have it brown on you. You just need to make sure you cover it, remove as much air as possible, and not store it more than a day or two. Just seal it up tight in a sandwich bag or stretch cling wrap or aluminum foil over it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weekly Non-Food News

I recently re-located to Minnesota, after spending 2 years of hell with my last job. I have settled in to the area in record time, seen how I am working literally half of the hours I was at my last job. There is actually a lot to do in a hundred mile radius of where I live. For example, a few days ago I finally saw mc chris!

If you have never heard of mc chris, he is a rapper with a really high voice that does songs about Star Wars, video games, being a nerd, etc. I know that is not the best way to sell him, but he is hilarious. He has done a lot of work for shows on Adult Swim, and has voiced characters on several of their shows (i.e. MC Pee Pants on Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Hesh on Sealab 2021). He played a sold-out show at a tiny room in the back of a larger venue. There were no more than 200 people there, so it was very up-close and personal. I found it amusing that he was wearing a Tyrion Lannister shirt. (more on the pure awesomeness that is know as Game of Thrones in a later post!)

He had a laptop set up on a table behind him, open to iTunes. He would hit play on a track and then do his thing without live musicians or a DJ or anything. He had a very dedicated crowd, including myself, that knew every word to every song. His stand-up between songs was pretty funny also. The opening song was kind of a surprise/non-surprise for me, "I Want Candy" from ATHF. When he did his biggest hit, "Fett's Vette", he rapped over the instrumentals from "Another One Bites the Dust". It worked, but I was pretty surprised that he didn't stick to the original score since he is most known for this song.

As far as the rest of the set, he did "The Tussin", "Hoodie Ninja", "Pizza Butt", "Emo Party", "Drinkin Blunts", "Jelly Inside", "Nerd Cave", Popcorn Frog", "Hijack", among others, and closed with "White Kids Love Hip Hop", which I found fitting. The other artists at the show didn't really do anything for me (sorry Adam WarRock and Mega Ran), but MC Lars was pretty funny. Overall, I would most definitely pay $16 for this show again.

A couple of days later, a colleague and I decided to check out the fall fashion show in downtown Rochester.

First of all, I am about as far from a fashionista as you can get. Results of attempting to put on make-up and style my hair often result in poked eyes and burns. Somehow I missed the becoming feminine part of growing up. Not that I truly mind. I prefer to decorate myself with tattoos anyway. So how the hell did I end up at some fashion show? A co-worker and I were sitting the break room one day and we saw a style week/fall fashion thing advertised in the paper. We are both new to the area, and it was something to do that was local and only $12. And it came with the promise of a goody bag.

It wasn't too bad of a time except that it was FREAKING FREEZING OUTSIDE. Seriously, less than a week before I was downtown on the same block, wearing a short dress and drinking cocktails on a rooftop.

Now I am wearing a coat and pants, and missing my long underwear! My colleague had a cocktail that was barely drinkable, and even after holding it in her hand for almost 2 hours, the ice didn't even melt!
There were some models painted like statues who were visibly shivering, since they were wearing little more than metallic paint.

Don't ask what that creepy photographer was taking a picture of.

The fashion show lasted almost an hour, but it went by pretty quickly. All in all, it probably wasn't worth the $12. Maybe if it wasn't freezing and the goody bags were better. We got some lame coupons, peppermints, and Swedish Fish.

My companion and I are pretty cynical, so I guess we got some good laughs at some of the outfits and models. But seriously, we can make fun of people in the comfort of the mall for free.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Post and Raw Wednesday

I have been toying with the idea of starting a vegan/personal blog for a while, and now I finally have the time to do it. I have lots of fun little things planned, so let's get started.

First of all, I am going to adopt "Raw Wednesday". This first post may seem like I opted for the easy way out. Yes, a salad. And I don't even have a picture! It was a pretty substantial kale salad with
dressing I make quite often. Tahini, Braggs, garlic, ginger, and cayenne. I used the last of my tahini and it was pretty dry so I added some almond milk and gave it a whirl in my Magic Bullet. Yes, I know this isn't exactly a 100% raw dressing. It does not lack in the flavor department though. Salad toppings were all raw though: carrots, cucumbers, radishes, onions, mushrooms, mung bean sprouts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Quite the nutritious dish! (not to mention crunchy). I will plan ahead better next time and try to take a pretty picture of it before I devour it. I did, however, including my first sprouting effort in this salad. Green mung beans!

I didn't let them sprout very long, only about 2 days. They are crisp and super delicious all on their own. I purchased a Now Foods sprouting jar at the local food co-op for $4.99. You can't beat that! It has simple directions printed on the side of the label, and it came with a little instructional pamphlet. Pretty much idiot proof. I am currently attempting to sprout some black quinoa. More on that later.