Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Oktoberfest and Detox Diet

About 2 months ago, I made the best decision of my life and quit my horrible job. I used to boast that going vegan was the best decision I have ever made. It was, until I decided to stop killing myself and drop all negativity from my life, my old job being the largest contributing source of it. I have never been viewed or viewed myself as an optimist, but DAMN my life kicks so much ass right now, and it's all my fault! I'm not even afraid of jynxing myself by saying that. Nothing can be as bad as the hell I went through my first 2 years post-college.

That all being said, I will step down off my soap-box and carry on. I was pretty busy last week. Doing exactly what, I don't really recall. I guess I spent a lot of time at the gym and running around town on various errands. I probably spent the most time waiting for the weekend so I could attend Oktoberfest in La Crosse, WI.

Yep, my first once since I've been of legal drinking age. Not that I drank a lot or anything. I went with a co-worker and got a ride from some family friends who own a bar in my home town. They were friends with some people who own a bar in downtown La Crosse, so we were kinda VIP and stuff when we went back to the bar after the parade.

Totally not German but whatevs.

The parade was pretty awesome, and it did last 3+ hours as I was promised. Seriously. It took an hour before it even got downtown. We got lucky and found a spot on the curb to sit and watch a sip some beer. After things wrapped up, we went back to our bar and mingled for a bit before our ride departed. So really we weren't even drinking a lot and didn't stay out really late.

Next year we want to plan ahead and get a hotel way in advance. The bar scene in La Crosse was definitely way better than where I am living in Minnesota.
Several people told me that I look like Mila Kunis, which is new to me. I'm not offended, because I think she is gorgeous, but I really don't see it.

The next big event in my life involves watching my best friend take the next step in his. Yep, he's getting married. I will be traveling in Iowa in 2 weeks to don a fluffy dress and stand beside him this decision. Judging by the hordes of Facebook photos my friends have been tagged in recently, it is definitely Hitchin' Season. Those of my acquaintances whom have subjected themselves to previous seasons are now starting to generate little humans with their faces on them.

I won't go into detail about I am pretending not to care about all of this. What I am caring out right now is having to look good in pictures in 2 weeks! I haven't exactly been eating the best over the past couple of months, due to the whole moving process, work-week lunch outings, and having a ton of amazing food easily accessible in my new town, including a vegan restaurant right by my job. Excuses aside, I am going on a super-detox mission!

I am not concerned about weight loss as much as I am about feeling pure and cleaning myself of past mistakes. I have been really really good about drinking less alcohol, working out more, and eating drastically less wheat. The only real problem I have had lately is poor skin. This irritates the hell out of me because I get tons of vitamins from my diet and supplements. I make sure I eat enough protein, and I have really been making myself eat lots of almonds for the vitamin E.

To detox my skin and the rest of my body, I am going to go on a high-raw diet with emphasis on smoothies. I recently found this page and I really want to try some of these. I am going to go buy a boatload of fresh fruit and veggies after work tomorrow so I can get my Vita-Mix out and get started! I will post some updates about how I am doing.

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