Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Post and Raw Wednesday

I have been toying with the idea of starting a vegan/personal blog for a while, and now I finally have the time to do it. I have lots of fun little things planned, so let's get started.

First of all, I am going to adopt "Raw Wednesday". This first post may seem like I opted for the easy way out. Yes, a salad. And I don't even have a picture! It was a pretty substantial kale salad with
dressing I make quite often. Tahini, Braggs, garlic, ginger, and cayenne. I used the last of my tahini and it was pretty dry so I added some almond milk and gave it a whirl in my Magic Bullet. Yes, I know this isn't exactly a 100% raw dressing. It does not lack in the flavor department though. Salad toppings were all raw though: carrots, cucumbers, radishes, onions, mushrooms, mung bean sprouts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Quite the nutritious dish! (not to mention crunchy). I will plan ahead better next time and try to take a pretty picture of it before I devour it. I did, however, including my first sprouting effort in this salad. Green mung beans!

I didn't let them sprout very long, only about 2 days. They are crisp and super delicious all on their own. I purchased a Now Foods sprouting jar at the local food co-op for $4.99. You can't beat that! It has simple directions printed on the side of the label, and it came with a little instructional pamphlet. Pretty much idiot proof. I am currently attempting to sprout some black quinoa. More on that later.

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