Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Working It Out

I have been trying to get on a fitness kick lately. It has been stopping and starting a lot due to being out of town, important life events, BS excuses on my end, etc. Well no longer. After being in a wedding earlier this month, I have absolutely nothing serious planned for the rest of the year. That may sound a little disappointing to some people, but for me I think it is going to be a relief. No more moving across the country or flying for business or pleasure. I am going to stay right where I am! Ok, maybe within a 100 mile radius.

So that cancels out most of the reasons I can't go to the gym every day. I'll have to work on the whiny excuses I give myself part. I have been doing a lot of research on fitness plans and diets and I have been fighting my body the entire way. Today I actually feel pretty normal for the most part. I swear I'm pretty sure I have a sneaky food allergy that I am hot on the trail of, and today I happened to not eat it. Trying to figure out what is causing it is like a murder mystery...only with more bloating.

I have a pretty set-in-stone routine when it comes to when and what I eat every day, but I am working on altering it to better provide the nourishment I need since I am doing an hour of cardio plus half an hour of weight training 4-6 times a week. First of all, I HAVE TO have some sort of bar in the morning. I am mentally dependent on this. Like straight-up addicted and obsessed. I have a drawer in my kitchen that is occupied by about 30-50 bars at a time. Mostly Luna bars.

I wasn't joking.

Right now I actually have a pretty good variety of Luna bars, Clif Mojo bars, Clif Builder bars, regular Clif bars, Iron Girl bars, Pure Bars, Larabars...and who knows what else is in there. I am actually trying to make myself stop buying more until I eat all of the ones I already have. One of these bars falls victim to my breakfast every morning. Usually on my way to work.

I have also been eating a lot more food for dinner. Usually I become less and less interested in food as the day goes on. Lately, I have been eating dinners like this:

Talk about a nutritious post-workout meal! Chickpea salad with cucumber slices, raw almond with dried cherries and cranberries, baked brown rice mochi, and a big pile o' mashed sweet potatoes. I think I rounded this out pretty well. Lots of protein and complex carbs!

Anyway, I have been taking some pictures of myself to every few weeks to track my fitness progress. I'm still a humongous wuss, but I am damned determined to put on some muscle! SOYCAKE!!

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