Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stuff I've Eaten Recently: iPhone Addition

Since I was without blogging capabilities for a couple of months, I amassed a decent collection of food photos on my iPhone. I tend to take pictures of food when I am eating out and stumble upon something tasty anyway, since I use Foodspotting (follow me here). I also sometimes take pictures of delicious food I make to text family members and such. Yes, I lead a life of non-stop excitement. Don't be jealous.

So here is a round-up/catch-up of some of my food highlights from late 2011 and early 2012. In all of their crappy iPhone 3GS glory!

Exhibit A: Sam's Club inspired salad
Location: Break room at work via my kitchen at home
Ingredients: Baby spinach, avocado, blackberries, walnuts, home-grown mung bean sprouts, red onion, and a homemade red wine/dijon mustard vinaigrette.
Comments: I got the idea for this salad from a recipe on the bag of avocados I got at Sam's Club. Most of the other ingredients came from Sam's too, hence the name. It was tasty, with a nice contrast of textures, but I made the dressing a little too tangy and it kind of clashed with the avocado.

Exhibit B: My favorite Aldi salad!
Location: My kitchen
Ingredients: Garden salad mix, carrots, cucumbers, red peppers, red onions, radishes, green olives, raw sunflower seeds, garlic vinaigrette.
Comments: This is one of my all-time favorite salads! Everything is from Aldi, including my favorite dressing of theirs. Okay, I guess the sunflower seeds aren't. I make this salad with an entire bag of their lettuce mix and happily spend the next half an hour crunching away. Oh, and I have to make it in my big mixing bowl because it's the only bowl I have that is large enough to contain all of this goodness!

This is just another example of my favorite salad, with a little Hy-Vee mixed in. I shop where the veggies are the best deals!

Exhibit C: Split Pea Soup. Two liters of it, to be exact!
Location: My kitchen
Ingredients: Split green peas, carrots, onions, garlic, veggie stock, and spices...all boiled up and destroyed in the Vita-Mix.
Comments: Super cheap, easy, filling, and freezes well! Also very nutritious and high in protein and fiber.

Location: Delivered monthly to my house!
Ingredients: AWESOME AND WIN!!
Comments: If you have not heard of Healthy Surprise, you have now and you have no excuse not to subscribe to it! You get tons of awesome natural, gluten-free vegan goodies delivered to your door monthly. You can cancel any time you want (you won't) and the people that run it are super friendly and dedicated to making sure you are 200% satisfied with everything. The package pictured above was actually a larger size than I normally get. Thanks to the incompetence of the USPS, one of my packages was "lost" (I know you ate it, Minnesota mailman!), but as soon as I notified Healthy Surprise, they sent me a double-sized one to make up for it. I will probably be posting more Healthy Surprises, and some product reviews.

Exhibit E: Big Ass Boca Burger
Location: My kitchen
Ingredients: 2 Boca Grillers Vegan patties, pickles, tomato, red onion, sauerkraut, and vegenaise on a toasted whole wheat sandwich thin.
Comments: I know, I know, faux meat and...wheat?? I'm horrible! My mom actually bought Boca burgers for me the last time I was home and I somehow got addicted to them. I have also wussed-out in ridding myself of wheat 100%. I don't actually have a wheat allergy/intolerance, I just used to work for the wheat industry and I HATED IT. I think lately I have just been working out and lifting weights so much that I have been bad and craving some omni guilty pleasures. Like a huge, disgusting, sloppy burger. I am definitely guilty of not getting enough protein at times (not my fault salads are awesome), so I have been making a conscious effort to boost my intake. This sandwich contained 37 grams for only 350 calories!

Exhibit F: Rajas Tacos
Location: Rusty Taco, St. Paul, MN
Ingredients: Corn tortilla, grilled veggie filling including pablano peppers and mushrooms, fresh cilantro.
Comments: So. Freaking. DELICIOUS! This place blew my mind! After scarfing up these little beauties, I promptly returned to the counter and ordered more.
This one was filled with black beans and toasted pumpkin seeds! I will definitely be craving these in the future!

Exhibit G: Veggie humus sandwich and veggie chili with blue corn chips
Location: Bushel & Peck's, Beloit, WI
Ingredients: The sandwich was filled with house made humus and carrots, cucumbers, and lettuce; the chili had three different kind of beans in it and was probably the best chili I've ever eaten.
Comments: I was stuck in Wisconsin last week on a business trip and the only health food type store just happened to be a block from my hotel. They have a little cafe in the back that has a couple of vegan options if you ask. The chili was seriously amazing. I thought I made a mean vegan chili, but I am seriously jealous of theirs now.

Well, this post takes care of a bunch of pictures on my phone! Who knows what I will blog about next time. In the not-so-distant future, I do have a lot of business trips coming up, so expect some posts about vegan survival on the road!

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