Sunday, October 23, 2011

Life Update: Epic October

I am seriously in the prime of my life right now. I've worked my butt off for it, but I feel just absolutely refreshed when I sit back and look at how things are going for me and knowing that it is all because I made it happen. This past month has just absolutely blown my mind with awesomeness.

Earlier this month, I was privileged to be part of my best friend's wedding. It was a new experience for me, since I had only attended one wedding in my life when I was like 10 years old. This one I was actually a "groomsmaid" for lack of a better term. I found out that weddings are pretty emotional, even if they are not yours. I'll admit, I cried a little when I saw my BFF's beautiful bride turn and walk down the aisle. I don't think I could do it though! Maybe some day, many many years from now. I am absolutely 100% satisfied with being single for a while though. I am just having way too much fun! ;)

The weekend following the wedding was also one of the funnest weekends of my life. I met up with an ex-coworker in the cities to see one of my favorite bands, Revocation! I saw them in St. Louis earlier this year and actually got to hang out with them at the bar for a while. They were some of the chillest dudes ever! A couple of them even added me as a person friend on Facebook. Shortly after walking into the venue in Minneapolis, the drummer actually came up to me, gave me a high five, and said that it was great to see me again! I honestly felt like the coolest person in the world at that moment. My friend was pretty amazed too. I even got a picture with them after they played:

These guys are all around my age, and they are super talented! Not a lot of newer metal bands can pull off their level of music. The friend I went with had never been to a metal show (he's a country boy) and he was blown away by how awesome they are! Every time I go to a show it really makes me miss being in a band. I am trying to get something going around here, but has been a struggle.

After the show we went back to the town my friend was staying in and ended up closing out a dive bar near the hotel. I have gotten where I really like dancing to stupid music, no matter how many other people are dancing/not dancing, or watching in horror. At least I am having fun!

The following Friday, I met up a first cousin that I hadn't seen in about 8 years and went to Haunt Night at Valley Fair. It was fun to roam an amusement park in the dark, but the lines to all of the haunted houses and mazes were super long. There was so much fake fog drifting around that it was nearly impossible to see anything, and when you had wind blowing in your face on a ride it was super cold! I still had a great time with great company. I am always willing to get out of the house and try something new. I also went to an open house for a studio that weekend that is co-owned by a guy that works at my local food co-op. I must say, I was impressed. By the studio and the guy! Vegetarian, metalhead, owns a studio...hmmm! ;)

The thing I did the most last month was work on my Halloween costume. A LOT. I spent countless hours, sewing, painting, cutting, and hot gluing my way to this:

Yep, that is my *vegan* version of Lady Gaga's meat dress! No animals were harmed in the making, just a lot of fleece, acrylic paint, and glue sticks. I went with some friends to a big Halloween bash at a local venue on Saturday night. It was fun, but kind of underwhelming. I honestly had more fun the previous night at another bar, not dressed up. It's always a good time when the bar owner and DJ are buying you shots!

Now that October is just another notch in the bedpost, I am honestly not quite sure what I am going to do with myself the rest of this year! I plan on hitting the gym hard again, because I had been slacking with spending so much time on my costume every night. Also, partying and being awesome can take a physical toll. My next few updates will definitely be all about food and fun little projects I have going on around my kitchen. I have been sprouting a lot and I even busted out my dehydrator!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Working It Out

I have been trying to get on a fitness kick lately. It has been stopping and starting a lot due to being out of town, important life events, BS excuses on my end, etc. Well no longer. After being in a wedding earlier this month, I have absolutely nothing serious planned for the rest of the year. That may sound a little disappointing to some people, but for me I think it is going to be a relief. No more moving across the country or flying for business or pleasure. I am going to stay right where I am! Ok, maybe within a 100 mile radius.

So that cancels out most of the reasons I can't go to the gym every day. I'll have to work on the whiny excuses I give myself part. I have been doing a lot of research on fitness plans and diets and I have been fighting my body the entire way. Today I actually feel pretty normal for the most part. I swear I'm pretty sure I have a sneaky food allergy that I am hot on the trail of, and today I happened to not eat it. Trying to figure out what is causing it is like a murder mystery...only with more bloating.

I have a pretty set-in-stone routine when it comes to when and what I eat every day, but I am working on altering it to better provide the nourishment I need since I am doing an hour of cardio plus half an hour of weight training 4-6 times a week. First of all, I HAVE TO have some sort of bar in the morning. I am mentally dependent on this. Like straight-up addicted and obsessed. I have a drawer in my kitchen that is occupied by about 30-50 bars at a time. Mostly Luna bars.

I wasn't joking.

Right now I actually have a pretty good variety of Luna bars, Clif Mojo bars, Clif Builder bars, regular Clif bars, Iron Girl bars, Pure Bars, Larabars...and who knows what else is in there. I am actually trying to make myself stop buying more until I eat all of the ones I already have. One of these bars falls victim to my breakfast every morning. Usually on my way to work.

I have also been eating a lot more food for dinner. Usually I become less and less interested in food as the day goes on. Lately, I have been eating dinners like this:

Talk about a nutritious post-workout meal! Chickpea salad with cucumber slices, raw almond with dried cherries and cranberries, baked brown rice mochi, and a big pile o' mashed sweet potatoes. I think I rounded this out pretty well. Lots of protein and complex carbs!

Anyway, I have been taking some pictures of myself to every few weeks to track my fitness progress. I'm still a humongous wuss, but I am damned determined to put on some muscle! SOYCAKE!!